Congratulations! Finally the day has arrived!
A group of Deaf people with excellent education and/or long experience in Deaf Community has gathered and discussed to establish a new association which will employ different methods in bringing new development to Deaf Community in Malaysia. This association does not provide what the current Deaf associations do, i.e. providing BIM interpreting service, sign language courses, counselling on employment issues, and workshops on general knowledge. It is not a necessary to have a new association with same function with other associations.
The new association would focus mainly on the knowledge building on Deaf people, not just their language but their culture, history, identity, education, sport, technology, socioeconomic, art, deafhood (the process of being Deaf) and many more through research, article writing, journal publication, training and courses. It may enable Deaf people become more powerful with new knowledge and understand ourselves.
No offence and I feel it is important to create new knowledge so that the Deaf Community can become stronger and powerful. They would be able to use new knowledge to protect their rights as Deaf in the mainstream society, especially education and employment. Knowledge is power!