Thursday, March 7, 2019

LGBTQ Malaysians Fight Back After Gov't Official Says They Don't Exist

MARCH 07 2019 4:41 PM EST

“Erasure of our existence will not only just trivialize our struggle, but also perpetuate the injustices towards us,” activist Numan Afifi says.

“I don’t know why I was shocked.”

Harjinder Kier, a nonbinary advocate and conservationist, says after another exhaustingly long day— one of many for Malaysia’s queer and trans community in recent months. On Tuesday, the country’s tourism minister, Datuk Mohamaddin bin Ketapi, claimed there are no LGBTQ people in Malaysia.

“I don't think we have anything like that in our country,” Mohammaddin told the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle during the ITB Berlin travel conference.