Thursday, October 29, 2020

What do we deserve?

Deaf people are not tourists.

Tourists may have encountered communication barriers in certain countries. That is their choice. They decide to travel to countries where local people could not speak their language or English. Furthermore it is just temporary. 

Deaf people never ask for communication barriers in own country. It is not our choice to be a deaf person. It happened. Being "hearing person" again after losing hearing ability is an impossible solution. 

Therefore please do not compare deaf people with foreign tourists for any situation where staff refused to serve deaf people directly. Fear or not, you have to be bold if you want to avoid discrimination. Simple communication will do. 

Should deaf people choose to travel to other countries, that would be different story and the communication barriers in the other countries can be acceptable because deaf people made this choice. 

Posted on Facebook 1 Jan 2019


Deaf people already went through hard life due to people ignorance. We have been mistreated in our life. Thousand times. Not just once or twice. You want to give us a long lecture about being nice to those people choose not to communicate directly with us to find out what we want to get. There are thousand ways of communicating with us. Simple way will do.

Please save this lecture for those who are ignorant. You do not need to feel sorry for us. Please do not say that you understand how miserable our life is. If you understand us, you will not give the lecture to us. 

Whenever we receive such lecture, you are indicating that we are the problem to the society. You are indicating that we are faults and damaged persons in the society that need to be silenced. 

Think first why we became this aggressive when people mistreated us BEFORE you give lecture to us. You and me may have different understanding of certain situation we are facing and yet you do not have every right to correct my thoughts and actions. 

Posted on Facebook 31 December 2018

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Messages about JBIM and BIM in KomPekak JBIM (11 July 2020)

Saya berkongsi apa saya cakap dengan Jurubahasa BIM dalam KomPekak JBIM Chatgroup pada 11 Julai 2020.

Mesej 1:

Malahan orang Pekak pun tak faham perbezaan Di antara “bahasa isyarat” Dan “Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia.”

Orang Dengar pun suka pakai “bahasa isyarat”. Orang Pekak pun terikut-ikut mereka.

Kalau kerajaan tanya orang Pekak, apa bahasa isyarat kita pakai, orang Pekak akan jawab “bahasa isyarat”, maka kerajaan tiada masalah nak guna bahasa isyarat digunakan di Amerika atau di mana mana Negara. Masa tu, BIM tidak dapat diselamatkan lagi, seterusnya komuniti Pekak RUNTUH sekaligus.

Oleh itu, kami sangat sangat menggalakkan penggunaan “Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia”, “Malaysian Sign Language” dan “Jurubahsa BIM”, “BIM interpreter” Dan “BIM course”, “Kursus BIM”.

Penggunaan seperti ini yang kerap akan dapat membantu orang Pekak untuk membiasakan dengan term ini Dan pada masa sama, mereka dapat tingkatkan passion Ke Arah identiti Pekak.

Sebaik saja mereka Sudah biasa gunakan terma yang betul, kerajaan akan tanya bahasa isyarat apa, mereka pasti akan jawab BIM 💪🏻💪🏻.

Dengan tu, komuniti Pekak menjadi lebih kuat! Oleh itu kerjasama daripada kamu sangat sangat diperlukan.

Itu satu rancangan MyBIM iaitu ubah sikap komuniti Pekak dan juga ubah pandangan umum terhadap komuniti Pekak Dan BIM !

Mesej 2:

Dari segi tatabahasa, susah sebut “jurubahasa BIM”, “BIM interpreter”?

Bahasa isyarat lebih mudah disebut daripada sebut Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia ?

Is it easy if you mention “sign language” than “Malaysian Sign Language”?

Mass media sangat berkuasa dan mampu mempengaruhi orang ramai. Oleh itu, penggunaan term yang benar *SANGAT SANGAT* digalakkan.

Apabila kamu sebut “bahasa isyarat”, reporter dengar ini dan buat anggapan mungkin berbeza daripada apa kita faham.

Kamu tahu apa bahasa lisan?
Apa kamu faham tentang bahasa lisan? Guna mulut kan?

Ok. Bahasa tulisan?
Apa kita faham tentang ini?
Guna tangan tulis perkataan di atas kertas, kan ?

Bahasa lisan Dan bahasa tulisan ialah cara cara kita pakai apabila kita mahu bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. Setuju ?

Apabila kita sebut “Bahasa isyarat”, apa pula mereka fikir tentang bahasa isyarat?

Sudah tentu mereka akan cakap “bahasa isyarat” ialah satu cara kita bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu. Sebab tu mereka selalu cakap “bahasa isyarat untuk bahasa Melayu” atau pun “bahasa isyarat untuk bahasa Inggeris”.

Ini bermakna mereka sangka bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris boleh digunakan dengan 3 cara iaitu b. lisan, b. tulisan dan b. isyarat!

Sebab itu lah ia menjadi satu isu sangat serius dan mereka tidak dapat lihat BIM sebagai bahasa bebas dan bukan Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. Komuniti Pekak pun keliru.

Oleh itu, MyBIM memperjuangkan penggunaan term JBIM dan BIM.

Penggunaan “Bahasa isyarat” dan “jurubahasa isyarat” adalah tidak digalakkan untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan di kalangan komuniti Pekak dan juga umum.

Mesej 3:

Bahasa ketiga selepas bahasa lisan dan bahasa tulisan?

Mesej 4: 

Sememangnya bahasa ketiga selepas bahasa lisan dan bahasa tulisan. 🧐🤔

Mesej 5:

Saya pasti Senator Ras tahu apa bahasa isyarat orang Pekak gunakan. Juga pasti dia tahu apa BIM itu kerana dia ada hubungan rapat dengan komuniti Pekak.

Tapi adakah orang umum faham? Adakah orang di dewan raykat atau negara faham maksud bahasa isyarat sebenar? Itu mungkin akan jadi isu serius.

Seandainya bahasa isyarat diluluskan sebagai bahasa ketiga, pihak jabatan pendidikan tahu apa makna bahasa isyarat? Mereka mungkin akan mengatakan KTBM juga merupakan bahasa isyarat. Masa tu, pasti lebih sukar untuk BIM maju. BIM tiada tempat lagi.

Mesej 6:

Ramai guru mengajar murid Pekak, dianggap fasih dalam bahasa isyarat (untuk bahasa Melayu). Orang dari jabatan pendidikan lihat mereka sangat mahir dalam menggunakan tangan apabila bertutur dengan pelajar Pekak. Pihak kerajaan sangka guru dan murid Pekak bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Orang kerajaan tu buta iskata (term baru menggantikan “kata isyarat”), sama seperti saya buta Chinese character. Apa saya lihat ialah garisan saja dan tidak dapat menikmati bahasa Cina. Sama seperti lah mereka buta iskata, mereka hanya nampak pergerakan laju, macam kungfu oleh itu mereka tidak dapat membezakan BIM dan bahasa isyarat asing.

Guru guru sering diberi tugas menjadi jurubahasa pelajar pekak dalam mana mana perhimpunan ataupun majlis. Mereka sendiri tahu had mereka. Mereka tidak dapat tolak tugas ini dan terpaksa melaksanakan tugas ini.

Mesej 7:

Penggunaan perkataan yang betul sangat sangat penting untuk memastikan semua orang mempunyai pemahaman yang sama.

Oleh itu, semua JBIM sangat diharap bekerjasama dengan MyBIM 🥰 dengan menggunakan term yang betul. Ini adalah demi kesedaran komuniti Pekak dan juga umum.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Being deaf is no handicap (31 August 2006)

New Straits Times Thursday 31 August 2006.

Teacher, facilitator and author 

ANTHONY Chong Vee Yee, 24, defied the perception people have of the handicapped. He scored 8As for his Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, graduated with a degree in Computer Studies and is currently working on two book projects on sign language titled "Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia" and "Deaf Culture". 

No small feat for someone who was born deaf to a family of hearing people. His mother had a lot to do with who Chong is today. Her support and encouragement spurred the young man on. 

Despite his disability, Chong is an intelligent young man. Up until he was 14, he was in an integrated primary school for both deaf and hearing. 


Saturday, March 2, 2002.The Malay Mail. By Sharen Kaur

Despite handicap, Chong scores eight As in SPM exam. 

He was born without the ability to hear and speak but 19-year old Chong Vee Yee is no quitter. 

And this extraordinary student of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Damansara Jaya in Petaling Jaya has 8A in the recent Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) exams to prove that hard work can overcome any adversity. 

Chong scored 3 1As in Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Accounts and 5 2As in Bahasa Malaysia, English, History, Physics and Chemistry. 

Despite his handicap, he was placed in an ordinary class competing with normal students. 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Anthony's Valediction on 28 August 2004

Found this valediction while cleaning my stuff. Sharing! 

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

It is my utmost pleasure to have this opportunity to say a few words today. We stand, gathered together to celebrate the accomplishment of the graduation today. Before I start the speech, I would like to introduce myself. I am Anthony Chong, the first Deaf student in KDU College. I must thank KDU College for giving me great support and chance to study the Diploma of Computer Studies together with other hearing students even though I would have to struggle with the difficulties I encounter.

To my fellow classmates, we’ve made it. YOU and I.. We finally made it. We are graduating. Congratulations! Congratulation not only to us graduates for achieving excellence in academics, both in school and out, but also congratulations to our lecturers, tutors, parents, friends, family, and administrators. Our success is your success, for you have given us the freedom to dare, the courage to excel and the belief that we can achieve our best. You have been there for us with support and care; you had faith when we doubted ourselves. For all these things, we, the FIMT students thank you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Introduction of Aulora Pants with Kodenshi

What is Aulora Pants? It magically cures people? How come? 

I am pretty sure that you have heard about the Aulora Pants. It has been mentioned over social media since BE introduced the pants in 2017 in Malaysia. As it was claimed that the Aulora Pants are health product. You would think that it does not make any sense. 

Yes, you know it! The moment I learned that the pants are kind of health products. I said to myself that: Who are gonna believe that such thing? If it is true, I am pretty sure that this Earth would not need any doctors and nurses anymore. 

I was also told that this pants were imported from Japan. Well. That is another question playing in my mind. If it was made in Japan, why would not Japanese use the pants if they want to practice their health.